Cohort: 1st Cohort


Streamlined finances for professional services


Gyfted builds digital tools based on psychometrics and data to simplify professional recruiting and job markets to make candidates and teams happy WEB

Lulla Care

Lulla Care’s app provides expectant and new mothers with a Maternity Coach to guide them from pregnancy into their children’s early years, leveraging the best wellbeing, physical activity, nutrition, sleep…
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FoodObox helps food business owners reduce food waste by selling their surplus through the FoodObox mobile app, reaching new customers while also helping the planet WEB


Cashy is an early payment discount platform that helps companies to settle new payment dates for their invoices, encouraging buyers to use their working capital to manage the cash flow…
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MediNav gives back doctors’ time to patients by delivering cutting edge technology to hospitals and private practices in order to support them during their consultations, reducing the time spent on…
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Amira Meditech

Amira Meditech has developed AskTheCP, a software solution that helps healthcare practitioners improve the outcome of antibiotic prescription in hospitals while also helping fight the threat of antibiotic resistance on…
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Ubitrack is a cutting-edge football performance data provider that extracts performance data from video footage using its artificial intelligence (AI)-based software, resulting in high-accuracy, objective data, which is instrumental for…
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Climatica offers revolutionary parametric insurance products based on machine learning solutions and real-time weather monitoring to offer fast, simple, digital weather insurances WEB


Relaxify’s innovative app helps people develop new techniques for self-improvement, find balance and feel empowered, with a daily mental health program tailored to their needs. WEB